Google Font Cheat Sheet – Coming Soon Pro A-F
We got tired of looking up the right Google font to select in the Coming Soon Pro plugin. So, we decided to make a cheat sheet of all the fonts available for ourselves and we’re sharing it with the world. Here’s A thru F.
Abel Google Font
Abril Fat Face Google Font
Aclonica Google Font
Acme Google Font
Actor Google Font
Adamina Google Font
Advent Pro Google Font
Aguafina Script Google Font
Aladin Google Font
Alrich Google Font
Alegreya SC Google Font
Alegreya Google Font
Alex Brush Google Font
Alfa Slab One Google Font
Alice Google Font
Alike Aguilar Google Font
Alice Google Font
Allan Google Font
Allerta Stencil Google Font
Allura Google Font
Almendra Google Font
Almendra SC Google Font
Amaranth Google Font
Amatic Google Font
Amethysta Google Font
Andada Google Font
Andika Google Font
Annie Use Your Telescope Google Font
Anonymous Google Font
Antic Didone Google Font
Antic Slab Google Font
Antic Google Font
Anton Google Font
Arapey Google Font
Arbutus Google Font
Architects Daughter
Arimo Google Font
Arizonia Google Font
Armata Google Font
Artifika Google Font
Arvo Google Font
Asap Google Font
Asset Google Font
Astloch Google Font
Asul Google Font
Atomic Age Google Font
Aubrey Google Font
Audiowide Google Font
Average Google Font
Averia Gruesa Libre Google Font
Averia Libre Google font
Averia Sans Libre Google Font
Averia Serif Libre Google Font
Bad Script Google Font
Balthazar Google Font
Bangers Google Font
Basic Google Font
Baumans Google Font
Belgrano Google Font
Belleza Google Font
Bentham Google Font
Berkshire Swash Google Font
Bevan Google Font
Bigshot-One Google Font
Bilbo Swash Caps Google Font
Bilbo Google Font
Bitter Google Font
Black Ops One Google Font
Bolwlby One SC Google Font
Bonbon Google Font
Bowlby One Google Font
Brawler Google Font
Bree Serif Google Font
Bubblegum Sans Google Font
Buenard Google Font
Butcherman Google Font
Butterfly Kids Google Font
Cabin Condensed Google Font
Carter One
Ceaser Dressing
Cedarville Cursive
Ceviche One
Changa One
Chau Philomene One
Chelsea Market
Cherry Cream Soda
Cody Star
Coming Soon
Concert One
Contrail One